Perce-scope Viedeň

Podarilo sa nám vyhrať ďaľšiu súťaž, tentokrát na mestskú intervenciu vo Viedni. Hlavnou myšlienkou je zblíženie ľudí, známych i neznámych, počas pandémie pomocou hravej inštalácie periskopu. Teraz nás čaká realizácia.

Miesto: Viedeň
Fázy projektu: architektonická súťaž organizovaná viedeňským ateliérom feld72a Liebling Hausom
Návrh: 2021
Autori: Ing. arch. Eva Šperka, Ing. arch. Katka Antalová, PhD., Ing. arch. Ivan Kanich, Ing. arch. Branislav Stojkov,

Zadaním bolo reflektovať zmenu využívania verejného priestoru následkom pandémie Covid-19.

In times of reduced physical contact, the Perce-scope, questioning the perception of distance, reintroduces the concept of the visual (emotional) human remoteness vs closeness. The idea behind is to bring people closer to each other in pandemic times and keep reminding them of the importance of it in the post-pandemic future. The Perce-scope would serve as an extension of the public space in this “new” normality, in which we had to adapt and change a lot. One thing that for sure not only stayed the same but certainly grew bigger is the people’s need to meet and interact with their families, friends, loved ones. During these times as an extension of the public space creates a visual interaction of space, voices, atmospheres, emotions, memories… a grandmother and her grandchildren, two neighbors, friends, strangers.

In the post-pandemic period becomes a witness and most importantly a trigger of reconsideration and appreciation of the “ordinary”, “normal” and all that we always used to call LIFE. The project’s outdoor shell is a platform where people can put down their thoughts, gratitude, messages, stories and share that with the rest.

The object’s construction bearing part consists of timber frames in a cubic form covered with waterproof plywood to which are attached two mirrors in the effect of a periscope.

Hodnotenie poroty: 

The installation challenges physical distance by questioning our perception of space. The jury appreciated the direct reference to Covid-19 and its impact on public space. The proposal addresses issues that have come up during the pandemic in a fun, playful way, suitable for audiences of all ages. The jury agreed the intervention could remain relevant in the future as a memorial to Covid-19. The project would likely generate playful social interactions, introducing interesting disruptions in public spaces by interacting with the urban environment (“around the corner”).

The fact that the proposal does not offer a strategy for reproducible, longterm improvements of public space was discussed controversially but the installation itself was seen as strong enough to address many topics and phenomenas of the pandemic in a metaphorical way. The ambition to work with a physical, analog setup and not use additionaldigital aids was perceived as very positive. Finally, the implementation seems feasible given the existing budget.